Saturday, October 6, 2012

The truth behind this blog is that I've been captivated by atheists. 

I've discovered a MASSIVE community of atheists online and for a while they knocked me completely off my feet. They're far more well spoken than I and very able to logically and simply explain why the idea of any God or religion is not only wrong but a negative influence on the world.

I would be lying if I said they haven't at times convinced me of many of their ideas, but I stand firm in the knowledge that Christ walked the earth, was the son of God and wants to redeem us back to His perfect will. Beyond that... well, I guess that's the purpose of this blog.

Anyways, one thing I've learned about most atheists is that they're certainly not terrible people and when confronted with TRUE Christianity, they're rarely (although sometimes) against it.

This video and comment made me cry and then smile. (Not literally, I'm a man, I don't cry.)

So if they approve of this... maybe we should consider why they are so against Christianity...

*I want to add that the atheist community does not see themselves as Atheist vs Christianity / Islam / Judaism / Rastafarian / Taoism etc, they more see themselves as Atheism vs. Ignorance and are huge proponents for logic and reason.

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